Git Reference

This is a short reference sheet of git commands. I wrote it for my own uses as I frequently forget the commands I should be using. This reference assumes that you’ll be using GitHub as a remote repository.

Initialising a repository

Initialise a repository

git init

Branch Management

Create a branch called main and switch to it. Note you’ll need to do this when creating the repository for the first time. Branch names should align with github branch names.

git checkout -b main

Switch current working branch to main.

git checkout main

List existing branches on your machine

git branch

Delete a branch called implement_issue

git branch -D implement_issue

Remote Management

Add remote origin. Copy SSH from github and replace as appropriate below

git remote add origin

Staging and Committing

Stage changes to file

git add file

Commit changes with message

git commit -m "Message"

Check repo status. Add --ignored to include ignored files.

git status

Check repo conents difference. Add --staged to check vs staged changes.

git diff

Reverting Commits

Move back 1 commit. For >1 commit reverted, set HEAD~3 for 3 commits back, etc. Set --hard to throw away uncommitted changes. Set --soft to leave comitted changes staged.

git reset HEAD~1

Pushing and Pulling from Github

Push and pull from origin. Note that origin does not need to be main

git push origin main
git pull origin main

Setting up Git on a new laptop

Set username and email as global

git config --global "Some Username"
git config --global ""

Set default branch to be main globally

git config --global init.defaultBranch main

Setting up SSH for Github

Create SSH key. Optionally enter and confirm a passphrase. Copy key from ~/.ssh/

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

Check that GitHub is authenticated

ssh -T