Principal Component Analysis

pca <- function(data, scale=T, center=T) {
  data <- data[complete.cases(data),]
  if (center) mat <- apply(data, 2, function(x) x - mean(x)) else mat <- data
  if (scale) for(i in 1:ncol(mat)) mat[,i] <- mat[,i] / sd(data[,i])
  decomp <- svd(mat)
  var <- (decomp$d^2)/(nrow(mat)-1)
  loadings <- decomp$v
  colnames(loadings) <- paste0("PC", 1:ncol(loadings))
  rownames(loadings) <- colnames(mat)
  return(list(var=var, loadings=loadings))

Testing the function:

# Dataset of English constituency vote shares from UK GE2019
df <- subset(bes_2019, 
             select=c("con_19", "lab_19", "ld_19", "brexit_19", "green_19", "other_19"))
df <- apply(df, 2, function(x) ifelse(, 0, x))

# With centering and rescaling
pc <- prcomp(df, scale.=T)
## [1] 2.372841e+00 1.121676e+00 1.022484e+00 8.585543e-01 6.244452e-01
## [6] 3.622418e-31
##                   PC1         PC2         PC3         PC4        PC5       PC6
## con_19    -0.54332983  0.07627559 -0.05082277 -0.56942560  0.1384571 0.5941178
## lab_19     0.59823413 -0.07011487 -0.19959561  0.02259843 -0.4083210 0.6558389
## ld_19     -0.39181511 -0.36512555  0.04767122  0.74424233  0.1153703 0.3790577
## brexit_19  0.43609277 -0.25251232  0.24198884 -0.11374592  0.8065703 0.1549459
## green_19   0.04764488  0.75339583 -0.43749954  0.30622933  0.3617630 0.1186169
## other_19   0.03070171  0.47390033  0.83984620  0.12096531 -0.1391588 0.1874472
## $var
## [1] 2.372841e+00 1.121676e+00 1.022484e+00 8.585543e-01 6.244452e-01
## [6] 3.628914e-31
## $loadings
##                   PC1         PC2         PC3         PC4        PC5        PC6
## con_19    -0.54332983  0.07627559 -0.05082277 -0.56942560  0.1384571 -0.5941178
## lab_19     0.59823413 -0.07011487 -0.19959561  0.02259843 -0.4083210 -0.6558389
## ld_19     -0.39181511 -0.36512555  0.04767122  0.74424233  0.1153703 -0.3790577
## brexit_19  0.43609277 -0.25251232  0.24198884 -0.11374592  0.8065703 -0.1549459
## green_19   0.04764488  0.75339583 -0.43749954  0.30622933  0.3617630 -0.1186169
## other_19   0.03070171  0.47390033  0.83984620  0.12096531 -0.1391588 -0.1874472
# Without centering and rescaling
pc <- prcomp(df, center=F, scale.=F)
## [1] 3601.582679  528.759516  102.026004   26.105736   14.712369    9.887987
##                   PC1         PC2         PC3         PC4         PC5
## con_19    -0.79601894  0.54348891  0.26225689 -0.02744832  0.02841558
## lab_19    -0.57199009 -0.81268134 -0.05235555 -0.01872792 -0.07167662
## ld_19     -0.18775368  0.19101255 -0.96262869  0.03485081  0.01576254
## brexit_19 -0.03580223 -0.08665429  0.01318959  0.10999656  0.93237245
## green_19  -0.04785633 -0.01272207  0.01544479  0.07000400 -0.34354616
## other_19  -0.01891353  0.00349730  0.03759933  0.99029363 -0.08040029
##                   PC6
## con_19    -0.02518186
## lab_19    -0.06439723
## ld_19      0.01207155
## brexit_19  0.33108554
## green_19   0.93508548
## other_19  -0.10521720
pca(df, center=F, scale=F)
## $var
## [1] 3601.582679  528.759516  102.026004   26.105736   14.712369    9.887987
## $loadings
##                   PC1         PC2         PC3         PC4         PC5
## con_19    -0.79601894  0.54348891  0.26225689 -0.02744832  0.02841558
## lab_19    -0.57199009 -0.81268134 -0.05235555 -0.01872792 -0.07167662
## ld_19     -0.18775368  0.19101255 -0.96262869  0.03485081  0.01576254
## brexit_19 -0.03580223 -0.08665429  0.01318959  0.10999656  0.93237245
## green_19  -0.04785633 -0.01272207  0.01544479  0.07000400 -0.34354616
## other_19  -0.01891353  0.00349730  0.03759933  0.99029363 -0.08040029
##                   PC6
## con_19    -0.02518186
## lab_19    -0.06439723
## ld_19      0.01207155
## brexit_19  0.33108554
## green_19   0.93508548
## other_19  -0.10521720